Sa‘id of Macedonian and His Poems
Turkish literature, which was forged by a certain
aesthetic and cognitive understanding in the Ottoman
cultural territory and renewed itself in accordance with
cultural transformations, was represented in every region
of Ottoman geography. Utterances, cast under the impact
of local varieties, have taken the form and spirit of the area
where they sprang forth and rendered the form of
utterances visible while the main character was exposed
to no dramatic alteration. Rumelian mode in the
utterances is one of the examples.
What this paper dwells on is the poems and poesy of
Saîd the poems of whom were found in the OMCT I/150
cönk registered in Macedonia National Library (Narodna
İ Univerzitetska Biblioteka Skopje). Saîd, who lived in the
cities Kalkandelen and Gustivar currently within the
borders of Macedonia in the last periods of the Ottoman
Empire, was brought up in a social circle in which
Bektashism predominated. In his poems, the imprints of
Sufism publicly and the culture of Bektashism
Saîd, Cönk, Kalkandelen, Gostivar, Bektashism, Poem.