In The Context of Religious-Poetic Stories of Heroism The Struggle of Hz. Ali With Kahkaha Sultan
Turkish literature describing Imam Ali’s exploits of the
battles prophet and his many story was written in the
style of a masnavi that goes by. These are detached in his
war Ali with Kahkaha Sultan as a subject there is also
acquiring the parable. Turkish Istanbul University
Library Manuscripts Division, Ankara-Milli Library and
Istanbul-Süleymaniye Library has been found to be 3 in
the copy. In this study, the three write Turkish Istanbul
University Library Manuscripts of these by reading
Section at the end of text located at T811-311 will be
given. The study issued at the end of this text is the
subject of the story, the masnawi style motifs, the lecture
will focus on the features and Turkish folklore Hz. Ali
heroism axis, heroic stories function will be discussed.
Folk’s story, Hz. Ali, Kahkaha Sultan, Stitth Thompson; Motif Index of Folk Literature, B. K. Malino