Nazire in Turkish Poetry
Nazire is the common name of the poetries that are
written in the same subject, meter and ryhme to an
another poetry. Nazire is mentioned to be existed in
Cahiliyye period but it first appeared in the prophet
Mohammed's time. It occured in Arabic and Persian
literatures in 12th century. First samples of Turkish
literature are written by Hakim Süleyman Ata to his
master, Ahmed-i Yesevi's poems. It set an example to the
literature developing in Anatolia and Yunus Emre wrote
nazires to Ahmed-i Yesevi's poems. Later, Ahmedi and
Nesimi wrote nazires to Yunus Emre's poems. Starting
with these poets, in 15th century, nazire writing affected
other poets in Fatih's period. Especially, to Necati's
poems are written nazires by many other poets both in his
time and after his time. This continued for centuries up
until today. Also, in Egypt and Chagatay regions, nazires
are written by some leading poets.
Nazire not only helped the improvement of many
young poets but also it enabled the formation of the works
that these poems are in. It is seen with the Mecmuatu'n-
Nazair as from the 15th century. Mecmau'n-Nezair,
Camiü'n-Nezair, Pervane Bey Mecmuasi followed it.
Metaliü'n-Nezair is written in 17th century. After that,
many mecmuas are formed by the people who are
interested in poetry.
Turkish poetry, nazire, nazire mecmuas.