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Şirvanli Habîbullâh’s Commentary of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ
As is known, the types of religious literature such as tevhid, münacat, commentary of esmâ-i hüsnâ, na‘t, the translation of forty hadiths etc. are important in the history of Turkish literature. Şirvanlı Hatiboglu Habibullah who was a poet of 16th century wrote various Turkish verse books like the commentary of esmâ-i hüsnâ, the translation of forty hadiths, the translation of Caliph Ali’s hundredsayings. Şirvanlı Hatiboglu Habibullah that there is not any knowledge about his life in bibliographic and biographic sources wrote these books in 1512 in Mısır for a means to talk to Kansu Gavri who was the sultan of Memlük. According to an entry in the end of the manuscript, it was written by poet’s hand and there is sequentially chapters such as tevhid, na't, sebeb-i te'lif, the eulogy of Kansu Gavri, commentary of Esmâ-i Hüsna, the translations of Prophet Mohammed’s forthy hadiths and Caliph Ali’s hundred-sayings in it. The fact that the poet named his work, consisted of booklets, as “Sultân Hitâbı Hac Kitâbı”, makes us think he had intention of going to Hejaz to carry out Hajj duty with the help of the Sultan to whom he dedicated the book. Hatiboglu Habibullah translated and commented the 99 most beautiful names of Allah into Turkish in the first part of his book. Each name was explained in two couplets. After poet gave Turkish translations of the names, he mentioned their influence and benefit. In this article, firstly it was given information about Şirvanlı Habîbullâh’s life and works; then the Commentary of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ was presented as tran

Hatiboğlu Habîbullâh, Şirvan, the Commentary of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ, Caliph Ali, Kansu Gavri.

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