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Humorous Calendars in Classical Turkish Literature
The fact that Turkish literature is dominated mostly by poetry is an important factor for our humorous works which are generally composed of poetic texts. Although the outstanding examples of Turkish humorous literature (like Harnâme, Sihâm-ı Kazâ, etc.) are constituted of poetic works, we have also distinct prosaic works which contain jokes, wits and pleasantries that aim to humor the readers besides to make them thinking while humoring. Humorous calendars, which are told through benefiting from the arts such as parable, apprehension and metonymy which whether have rare examples among the distinct humorous works or were written up with a different perspective as well as happen to certain profession experts and classes in the community within one year, are remarkable. As far as is known, three humorous calendars whose first example belongs to Vahyî-i Evvel (d. 1520) were written throughout our history. The second example was written by Nasûhî (d. 1537), and the third one was written by Küfrîi Bahâyî (d. 1660). The text of humorous calendars of Vahyî and Nasûhî are not available and today they are just available in small passages as far as quoted from the collection of biographies. As of the today, five copies of the calendar of Küfrî-i Bahâyî which are the sole surviving examples of its type have been discovered. After giving general information about humorous calendars and presenting the authors of them in this article, the humorous calendars discovered will be examined, and their texts will be included. As far as the texts of calendars of Vahyî and Nasûhî covered in the collection of biographies, the edition critics of three copies of Küfrî-i Bahâyî calendar will be made use of the researchers.

Irony, Humour, Calendar, Vahyî, Nasûhî, Küfrî-i Bahâyî.

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