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Hz. Alî’s Advice to the Governor Egypt: Ahd-Nâme-i Emîrü’l-Mü’minîn İmâm Alî
In the history of Classical Turkish Literature, it is known that there are more than two hundred and three hundred verse or prose books about political and administrative issues. Generally, the search for the sovereigns, viziers and other dignitaries in these works called as politics-namah, the features to be found, the duties of the sultan and his assistants, the principles to be considered during the appointments to the various civil servants, the punishment of the culprits, the responsibility of the governed people to the administrators, the purchase of taxes Information and advice on political issues such as the preparation of military forces for security and defense. Hz. Prophet’s fourth caliph Hz. Ali’s the book called Ahidnamah, which he addressed to the Egyptian governor Mâlik bin Hâris el-Eşter, is an important text about the state administration, including advice and advice in accordance with the principles of Islam and good morality. It is known that the mentioned text has been translated into Turkish by various scientific and literary figures for centuries. In this article, after the introduction of an unknown Turkish translation of the Ahid-namah, it was translated into new letters and modern Turkish.

Hz. Ali, Politics-namah, Mâlik bin el- Hâris el-Eşter, Egypt, Translation.

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