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Translation of Latifi's Nesru'l-leâlî: Nazm-ı Cevâhir
Nesrü’l-leâlî is a text that is chosen by the scholar named Tabersî (d. 548/1154) from the beautiful sayings of Caliph Ali and it contains approximately 290 Arabic aphorisms that were listed on the basis of elifba. This booklet, which is known to be popular in Arabic and Persian literature, has been translated into Turkish by various poets and writers since the 15th century and it has been commented several times. One of the literary personalities that translated this compilation into Turkish in the 16th century is Kastamonulu Latifi, famous for his Tezkiretü’ş-şuarâ ve Tabsıratü’n-nuzamâ. Latîfî Efendi (1490-1582) translated two hundred Arabic sayings which chosen from Nesrü'l-leâlî into Turkish with two couplets in accordance with " fe‘ilâtün mefâ‘ilün fe‘ilün " aruz meter. It is understood from some clues that the translator, who named his book as “Nazm-ı Cevâhir”, completed this work before 1546, approximately in the 1520s. In his translation, it is possible to say that he was successful in general, although there were also some rhyme and rhythm defects. While translating Arabic aphorisms, the poet remembers and says some of the verses and hadiths about these sayings from time to time; he also occasionally benefits from Turkish proverbs and folk expressions. Comparative studies suggest that the translator was aware of the translation of Nesru'l-leâlî completed by Mâtemî in H. 911 (1505-1506) and benefited during the translation of some sayings. Two of the manuscripts of Nazm-ı Cevâhir that have reached our time show that the poet presented his work to Koca Sinan Pasha (d. 1004/ 1596) and Mesih Pasha (d. 997/1589) at the end of his life. In this study, detailed information has been given about translation of Latifi's Nesru'l-leâlî; the criticized text of the mentioned work based on specific manuscripts has been put forward and its translation into today's Turkish has been submitted for the readers' consideration.

Caliph Ali, Nesrü'l-leâlî, Latîfî, Nazm-ı Cevâhir.

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