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Cenâbî’nin Cevâhirü’l-Garâib fî Tercemeti Dürri’l-Acâib Adlı Eseri
In Turkish-Islamic Literature; there are many religious types such as tawhid, munajat, naat, sîrah, shamail, and qisas al-anbiya. While some works focus on only one genre, nonetheless, it is possible to see more than one genre together in some works. Cenâbî's compiled and translation work named Cevâhirü’l-Garâib fî Tercemeti Dürri’l-Acâib also contains many religious genres. There are subjects of many religious genres in the work such as sîrah, shamail, and qisas al-anbiya. The shamail section, which expresses the physical and moral characteristics of the Prophet, is more voluminous than the other sections. Cenâbî named Cevâhirü’l-Garâib fî Tercemeti Dürri’l-Acâib compliedand translated by the order of Murad III (1574-1595), which is a work of Cenâbî is introduced in this study. Firstly, information about the life, his literary personality, and works of the author is given in the study. Then, the identified copies of the work named Cevâhirü’l-Garâib which was the subject of the study, the similarities and differences between the copies are shown.

Cenâbî, Cevâhirü’l-Garâib fî Tercemeti Dürri’l-Acâib.

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