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The Shepherd Story, Masnavi of Abdulmecid Bin Sheikh Nasuh (Mecidi), a 16th Century Sufi Poet
Abdulmecîd bin Sheikh Nasûh, who lived in the 16th century, wrote many works on religious sciences. He also wrote poems in Turkish and made verse text translations. Abdulmecid is the son of Sheikh Nasuh bin Israel who one of the leader of the Zeyniyye sect. He used the pseudonym Mecidi in his poems. In addition to his Arabic and Persian works, he wrote twenty-four Turkish works as far as we can determine. One of them is Kissa-i Choban. The work was written/translated in masnavi verse. We were able to access only one copy of the work. The work is an expanded translation with various additions of the story of Moses and the shepherd, which is included in Mevlana's Masnavi. While composing his work, Mecidi took an example Dede Omer Rusheni's work, named Chobannameh, written in 1475-76. In this study, information about the life of Abdulmecid bin Sheikh Nasuh is given and his Turkish works are emphasized. After this, the examination of Kissa-i Choban was started. Here, first of all, the date of writing/translation, the number of couplets and the reason for writing/translation Kissa-i Choban are revealed based on the manuscript. Afterwards, the subject of the work was briefly mentioned, and then the sections in the work and the content of these sections were given. Subsequently, Dede Omer Rusheni's Chobannameh and Mecidi's Kissai Choban were compared in general terms. After that, information is given about the characteristics of the identified manuscript of the work. Finally, the critical text of Kissa-i Choban is given by making use of it’s manuscript.

Mecidi, Moses, Ottoman poetry, masnavi, translation.

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