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The Issue of Copyrıght And Translatıon: is Abdullah Seyyid's Şifâ-i Kulub A Translation of Mehmet Birgivi Efendi's Tarikat-i Muhammediyye?
The translation tradition of classical Turkish literature is an issue that challenges the researchers in the field by exceeding today's understanding and makes it difficult whether a work is original or a translation. In the line of copyright-translation, it is obvious that the Ottoman author could not only translate the information obtained from the source text or many sources by processing at his own cultural level, but also could produce copyrighted works with his own contributions. Abdullah Sayyidi lived in the 17th century, raised awareness of the people with religious issues and criticized the innovations that emerged in his time. When the background of the text, in which he conveys basic religious beliefs and information, is carefully examined, we see that it is a work that was written to defend religion against the emerging innovations. Incorporating the thought of the Kadızadeliler from time to time in his work, he quoted Birgivî, whom he saw as his mentor, and built the basis of his religious views and ideas around this person. This work is primary and secondary sources about Sayyidi's life will be compared and his real personality will be revealed. In addition, around the production of the copyright-translated work in the XVII century. The work called Şifa-i Kulûb, which was written in the XVI century. It will be discussed whether it is a translation of Mehmet Birgivî Efendi's Tarikat-i Muhammediyye, which was written in Arabic in the 16th century.

translation, copyright, Sayyidi, Şifa-i Kulûb, Birgivî, Tarikat-i Muhammediyye.

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