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Persian Poems in the Divan of Yozgatlı Fenni
When we consider the divans of classical Turkish literature poets, it appears that there are few Arabic and Persian poetry . Fenni, who is the XIX. century poet, one of these personalities. Mehmed Said Fenni, born in 1850, is originally from Yozgat. The poet, who had different works during his life, died in Ankara in 1918. In addition to the education he received at a young age, he developed the art of poetry and wrote poems at a level to compete with the classical period divan poets. The tahmis and nazîres written by Fennî on the poetry of finest poets such as Bâkî, Fuzûlî, Nâbî, and Nedîm are evidence of his proficiency in classical Turkish poetry. Fennî, who was good at writing Persian and Arabic works, was one of the last term poets of classical Turkish literature. Fenni was a man of art who has attracted attention not only in poetry but also in the fields of calligraphy and carving from the time he lived until today. Fenni handled love and the states of love, the elements of the lover's beauty, the meaning of existence, and events in his Persian poems as well as in Turkish poems. Moreover, it was possible to see that Fenni assessed some ideas in his poetry from a religious and mystical point of view. Persian poems in the poet's Divan; one tahmis, one verse, and three ghazals consist of verses written in verse. Firstly, information about Yozgatlı Mehmed Said Fennî's life, scientific and literary aspects, and his works will be given in this study. After that, the Persian poems in his Divan published by Ali Şakir Ergin will be translated into today's letters after a brief analysis in terms of form and content.

Classical Turkish Poetry, Yozgatlı Fenni, Persian, poems,translation.

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