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Karbala Elegies of Osman Nevres I: Hazret-i Hüseyin’s Elegy
In this study firstly, information about the main lines of Karbala elegies and Osman Nevres were given, then the poet’s Karbala Elegy, also called Mersiye-i Hazret-i Hüseyin, was tried to be introduced in detail, also the popular transcribed text and facsimile of the elegy was given. In this elegy with 12 stanzas, which he wrote in Nevres terkîb-i bent verse, the subject is addressed by he focused on the unjust and cruel murder of Hz. Hussein, giving place to various scenes from the Karbala incident, expressing the pain suffered and the grieving intensely; he also expressed his reproach and anger towards the heavens and cursed Yazid and his men. In the end, the poet took an attitude of consenting to the accident by stating that the events happened as a result of fate, and said that he was incapable of describing such a sad event fully. It is aimed to present one of the Karbala elegies written in the last period of classical poetry, to the benefit of the scientific world, by introducing the work, whose entire Latin letter text is included in the divan publication, for the first time, and thus to contribute to research and studies on the subject.

Osman Nevres, Karbala elegies, elegy, Hz. Hüseyin.

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