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An Evaluation of Bahtî's Poems in Pervâne Bey’s Mecmua
Works that band poems that are written according to the tradition of nazire (a specific kind of poem tradition) in Classical Turkish literature together, are called mecmuatü’n-nezâir or mecmua-i nezâir. Pervâne Bey Nazire Mecmuası (journal) is written in Anatolia after Ömer bin Mezid’s Mecmuatü’n-nezâir, Câmiü’n-nezâir by Hacı Kemâl from Eğirdir and Mecmau’n-nezâir journal by Nazmî from Edirne. The work is known to be the most comprehensive nazire journal. It is composed by Pervâne bin Abdullah, one of the servants of Suleiman the Magnificent, in 1561. The work’s registration number is 406; it is registered to Topkapı Palace Library, Baghdad Palace depository. According to the assignment in Mecmua, the single copy was written by a copyist named Muhammed bin Ramazân. There are 72 poems of Sultan I. Ahmed, who ruled between 1603 and 1617 and is known to have used the penname Bahtî, in Mecmua. Although many scientific researches and studies have been carried out about Pervâne Bey Mecmuası, it is still not clear how Bahtî’s poems are included in a journal that was known to be completed in 1561. In this article, poems in Pervâne Bey Mecmuası by Sultan I. Ahmed (Bahtî) are evaluated and compared to the ones in Divan. On the other hand, the titles and writing characteristics of Sultan I. Ahmed’s poems in Mecmua are analyzed. Characteristics of his writing in his poems are described in visuals in Mecmua. At the end of this analysis, it is attempted to clarify how the poems by Sultan I. Ahmed (Bahtî) are included in Mecmua.

Sultan I. Ahmed, Bahtî, Mecmua, Nazire, Pervâne Bey’s Mecmuası (journal).

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