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Female Characters in the Elegy of Karbala : Example of Âsî's Dîvân
In the literary works describing the Karbala Incident in Turkish Literature, Husayn and those who were him are explained. Other characters bearing the sad traces of what happened during and after this sad event were the women in Karbala. It has been observed that there are very few studies on Karbala and women. The Divan of Asi composed entirely of Karbala elegies and written by Meşhedi Hasan AgaAsi in Tabriz, is an original example of the works in which the Karbala is told. In the work together with the elegies of Huseyin and those who were martyred with him, Hz. Fatıma, Ummu Salama and the woman of the Ahl- al-Beyt in the Karbala Incident. Characters such as Zeynep, Gulsum Fatıma Ummu'l- Benin, Sekine, Rubab and Leyla are also included. In these elegies, female characters are generally depicted as criying, wailing, lamenting, supporting each other in the face of attacks and reciting the Qur'an after the dead. Asi's Divan reveals the experiences of the women of Karbala in a very dramatic style. The elegies in the divan were sometimes sung by the martyrs themselves and sometimes by the women of Karbala. The belief that Husayn will be an intercessor, expressed from the Shia point of view, is also stated here for Fatıma. The Divan of Asi is an exemplary work in terms of revealing the place, experiences and importance of women in the Karbala Incident. We hope that our article on this original work will set an example for studies on Karbala and women.

Turkish Islamic Literature, Elegy, Divan, Karbala, Woman.

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