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The Unearthed Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî of Bosnian Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm
It is stated in the biographical sources that Bosnian Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm (dod 1096/1684) wrote the addendum to Dürretü’t-Tâc fî Sîreti Sâhibi’l-Mi‘râc of Veysî (dod 1037/1628) known as Siyer-i Veysî. However, in the studies on the addendums of Siyer-i Veysî, it has been expressed that the work of Bosnian Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm has not yet emerged. The aim of the study is to reveal Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî of Bosnian Sâmi‘î, and to contribute to the siyer writing, which has an important place in Turkish literature. In order to reveal the lost work of Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm, bibliographic resources, catalogs of manuscript libraries, databases of digital, catalogs of printed and electronic manuscripts and printed works and academic literature of the field were scanned. The information and documents obtained as a result of this scanning were evaluated by data analysis and document analysis method. As a result of the evaluation, it was understood that the manuscript found in Istanbul University Rare Works Library Turkish Manuscripts Department catalog number 2528 is the work of both Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm and Atâyî. In a study in which Atâyî’s work was introduced, it was seen that the lost work of Abdülkerîm was attributed to Atâyî. As a result of this study, Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî of Abdülkerîm Efendi was revealed and it was understood again that one should be very careful while evaluating manuscripts. Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî of Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm has been presented first time the use of researchers working in the related field.

Bosnian Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm, Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî, Nev‘i-zâde Atâyî

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