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Verse Silsile-names of the Sheikhs in Turkish Literature (Sufi Silsile-names - Silsile-names of Cults)
Silsile-names, which have found the opportunity to be used in a wide range of fields from religious sciences to calligraphy, from cult sheikhs to dynasties, are important documents in terms of showing the uninterrupted and undistorted continuation of the generation or the transmitted information. Silsile-names of the sheikhs (cult), which are estimated to be influenced by the tradition of isnad/sened in the science of hadith, also show the quality of documents showing that the cult was uninterruptedly connected to the Prophet. Silsile-names of the sheikhs were written in three ways as verse, prose and verse-prose within the Sufi culture. The verse examples of these have been chosen as the subject of our article. It has been identified that the two oldest examples of silsile-names of the sheikhs, 60 of them in Turkish and 3 in Persian belongs to 51 different poets in Turkish literature were written in Persian in the 15th century and it has been determined that Turkish poems gained popularity in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. It has been stated that ode and masnavi verse forms are more preferred in verse silsilenames of the sheikhs where the number of couplets varies between 7 and 2871 as 33+1 silsile-names are related to Halvetiyye and 12+1 silsile-names are related to Naqshbandiyya cult and its branches. In fact, each poet praises and propagates his own cult through silsile-names, which are in didactic forms. For this reason, these poets, all of whom were members of the cult, carefully used aruz prosody in their poems, and used hezec and remel bahirs more intensely in their poems. It has been observed that some silsile-names have features that will set an example for other genres. In our study, the common features of verse silsile-names of the sheikhs were tried to be determined, brief information about each poet's silsile-names of the sheikhs was given and information about the library records with manuscript copies is given.

Fihrist-i Şahan, silsile-name, silsile-names of the sheikhs, cult, sufi literature.

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