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Reading Classical Poetry With Kierkegaard: Stages of Existence And Stock Characters
Divan poetry contains a unique view of life, the perception of the world and existence. The acceptable and undesirable stock characters of this view of life are reflected in the poem. The stock characters that are relevant to this study are the false lover (ehl-i havâ, ehl-i heves), the ascetic (zahid) and the lover (aashiq). The main features of these stock characters can be determined in the Divan poetry works. In this way, it is also possible to determine the lifestyles that are accepted or condemned. On the other hand, Kierkegaard, who deals with human existence forms in three parts aesthetic, ethical and religious, represents these three stages, chose characters from different fields such as literature, music, history and mythology. In this study, a comparison has been made between the three stock characters of Divan poetry mentioned above and the stages of existence of Kierkegaard. Accordingly, the immediate hedonist of the aesthetic universe and ehl-i heves (people of caprice), the moralistic type of the ethical universe and zahid (the ascetic), the knight of faith of the religious stage and aşık (lover) have been analyzed comparatively. Thoughts have been put forward on how the similarity between the stock characters in Divan poetry and the forms of existence classified and described by Kierkegaard, whose direct contact with the Divan poetry could not be determined, can be interpreted.

Kierkegaard, divan poetry, peole of caprice, lover, ascetic.

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