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The Unknown Poet Of The 19th Century Vasfi And His Two Elif-Names
Letters, which are members of an intricate and complex system show the sounds in language, are signs that poets use for simile purposes, such as expressing their intentions and making their purposes visible. Therefore, in the in Turkish literature, there are many literary materials related to letters. One of the usage areas in which letters are preferred as literary materials is Elif-nâme. Poets with Elif-nâmes have tried to display their skills in their works by turning them into an artistic show. Poets, who went through all kinds of troubles to find rhyme, had to find words suitable for the content determined by the letters for the beginning of the verse, so they dominated both the beginning and the end of the verse and tried to prove their poetry. In this study, information is given about the definition, shape and content features of elif-nâmes, which are encountered as one of the usage areas of letters and two elif-nâmes belonging to Seyyid Hafız Ali Vasfî, a poet who lived in the first half of the 19th century, about whom no information has been found so far in the biographies and the sources of the period, are introduced. In this context, before introducing the elif-nâmes in Vasfî's only known work, "Güft-i Vasfî", brief information about his life and literary personality was given and after the two elif-nâmes were examined in terms of form and content, the original texts were presented to the readers at the end of the study. Therefore, with this article, it is aimed to introduce two the poet with the pseudonym Vasfî who lived in the 19th century, together with his two elif-nâmes and to contribute to the studies in this field by adding these texts to the elifnâme corpus.

Divan Poetry, Elif-nâme, Vasfî, Alphabet, Letters.

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