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Prose Chronogram Dates In Ibrahim Hanif Efendi's Shifa Commentary
Ibrahim Hanif Efendi (d. 1189/1775) wrote a Turkish commentary on Qadi Iyaz’s (d. 544/1149) work called al-Shifa bi-Ta’rif Huquq al-Mustafa. Holding an important place among the commentaries written on Shifa, this work is remarkable in terms of both its style and reflection of the source work. Today, one thinks of verse chronogram dates first when it comes to the art of chronogram in our literature, although its first examples were produced in prose. Another remarkable aspect of Ibrahim Hanif Efendi's work is that it has rich content in terms of prose dates, which are accepted to be some of the examples that constituted a source of the art of chronogram. This study first provides brief information about Ibrahim Hanif Efendi’s life and the Shifa commentary called Khulasat al-Vefa fi Sharh al-Shifa. Then it draws the interest of researchers to the examples of prose history attempting to ensure that the prose dates in the Turkish literature do not go unnoticed. In addition, the study describes the prose dates in the author's work by subjecting them to a classification.

İbrahim Hanif Efendi, Shifa Commentary, Abjad Calculation, Chronogram.

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