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A Dress up New Garment to A Beloved: Verse Awamil Translation of Erzurumlu Rahmi
As a result of the need of various societies to speak Arabic, which emerged with the expansion of the borders of the Islamic state, and the necessity of understanding and protecting the Qur’an correctly, it has become necessary to determine the grammatical rules of Arabic. In this respect, many Arab linguists have produced various works to prevent the deterioration of Arabic by misuse. Some of these studies are composed of avâmils, which is the branch of the science of nahw. Awamil, which is the plural of the word amil, as a term, refers to grammatical issues in Arabic, including the issues related to the pronunciation of word endings. The tradition of writing awamil, which is accepted to have started with Halil bin Ahmed (d. 175/791), continued after him by gaining popularity. The most important rings of this tradition are Abdulkahir Cürcani’s el-Awamil and Mehmed Birgivi’s el-‘Awamilü’l-cedid. On the mentioned awamils, works such as commentary, annotation and ta’likat were written by many grammar scholars. The works in question have been translated into many languages, especially Turkish and Persian, in verse or prose. In this study, after giving introductory information about the awamil genre, the Turkish verse translation of Abdülkahir Cürcani’s grammar book the name of el-‘Awamil by Erzurumlu Rahmi will be discussed. Some evaluations will be made about the annotation that Rahmi wrote after completing his translation; based on the information at the beginning of the commentary in question, some new information will be given about the poet. The content of the translation will be examined after the issues such as the reason for writing the verse translation, for whom it was made, when it was completed and copied. Finally, the transcripted text of the work will be presented to the researchers.

Awamil, Abdulkahir Cürcani, el-‘Awamil, Erzurumlu Rahmi, verse translation.

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