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Garib-name from Generation to Generation
Garib-name is among the most influential texts of the 14th century Turkish literature. The manuscripts of the text are numerous but it was not printed –neither in the original form nor in the Latin alphabet– until the 2000 edition by Kemal Yavuz. He transcribed the text and also put it into modern Turkish. The author Âşık Paşa is always respected for writing his Garib-name in Turkish, instead of Persian which was the literary language of his time. He also stated that he had used Turkish because he wanted to explain the Islam religion to the Turkish speaking people. His aim was to enlighten the Anatolian people who did not know Arabic and Persian. This shows how courageous he was. His choice reaches to the Turkification of Ottoman Language in the 20th century. Not only the language but his explaining of Sufism lived and impressed people. He and his followers indeed helped to create a general conception of Islam and sufism which brought the love of God and the love of his creations. In his book the abstract religious concepts were explained in concrete context, so story was the main form he chose. In my article I wanted to show the impact of Âşık Paşa and his followers on the literature of 19th and 20th centuries and the influence of Islam and Sufism as well as the importance of Turkish usage in literary texts. A direct influence cannot be claimed of course, but the wide spread influence of the book, kept invading the conscious and subconscious of the intellectuals as well as the people.

Âşık Paşa, Turkism, N.Kemal, A.H.Tarhan, M.A.Ersoy, religion of love, Mevlana.

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