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Âşık Paşa's View of Hikmet in Garibnâme
The notion “hikmet” that shaped Turkish-Islamic thought, is a noun that derive from the infinitive “hükm” which means “tojudge”; and in a semantic relationship with the infinitive “ihkâm” which means “toprevent”, “todetain”, “torestrain” and “to be durable”. In sufism this Notion mean storeach the truth of things, to comprehend the purpose of being by discovering the secret of existence, and to discover the role of the divine will within whole these. In the Kuran-ı Kerim, the “hikmet” has been given meanings in so wide context as advice, comprehensionability, knowledge, prophethood, explanation of the Kuran, knowledge of the Kuran and consequently the own of the Kuran. The tradition of speaking including hikmet continued from the first period stoend of Classical Turkish Literature. The most leading work of the main works of Turkish Literature in Anatolian area, Âşık Paşa’s (ö. 733/1332) Garibnâme, in the way of form and contect, is an imtortant work in terms of representing his feature of hikmet as well as showing the poet’s broadway of thinking, view of life with an example, limitness imagination, awareness, scholarly nitpicking and the importance he gave to regulation. Âşık Paşa who was one of the ideologists and scholars of his time is a poet who wants to direct humanity to the side of hikmet by looking at all events that he see in the universe with the eye of example. From this point, it must be said that there is a lot of information about “hikmet” in Garibnâme which he arranged as a book of universe. Garibnâme is one of the main works in terms of literature of hikmet as well as in terms of the other so many points. In this study through the definitions of “hikmet” in the afore said work, it has been tried to evaluate the view of Âşık Paşa, to hikmet. In the study, it has been tried to analyze through the one hundred and fifty chosen couplets from Garibnâme.

Âşık Paşa's View of Hikmet in Garibnâme

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