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Necati Bey is Telling Necati Bey
The pseudonym is a literary term, especially as a pseudonym used by divan poets in their poems. Pseudonyms, which are a kind of signature for poets, are usually sung in the last couplet of ghazals. In his pseudonymous couplets, the poet, who thinks of himself as someone else, expresses his feelings and thoughts more comfortably, makes poetic evaluations on his poems and poetic abilities, and gives clues about the period's poetry taste and literary understanding. Previous studies on pseudonymous couplets it was mainly focused on poetry and poets. For this reason, we thought to examine all the pseudonym couplets of the ghazals in a divan. We chose the divan of Necati Bey (d. 914/1509), who was known for his ghazals during the founding period of our classical poetry. Based on the example of Necati Bey, we aimed to reveal which subjects a poet refers to in the pseudonym couplets of his ghazals and what other fictional narrator identities he reflects along with his real identity. After recording the narrator's identities under main headings in our study, we listed the topics covered under subheadings.

Pseudonym, Necati Bey, Poet.

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