An Important Step in the Turkishization of Rhetoric: Celâlzâde Salih Çelebi's (d.973/1565) Conciseness on Sanâyi'-i Şi'riyye
The knowledge and theory of the science of rhetoric, which was developed in a close relationship with the science of tafsir, to make clear the i'jaz aspect (miraculousness) of the Qur'an, which considers itself a miracle of speech, was created, mostly in Arabic by scholars from many nations who adopted the religion of Islam.
However, rhetoric, which was also written in Persian from the 12th century, began to be written in Turkish from the 15th century too. Although many Turkish works in the field of rhetoric have been identified through scientific research conducted to date, it is difficult to say that this process has been completed; because, as in other disciplines, some Turkish works are still being identified and brought to light in the science of rhetoric.
In this article; A Turkish rhetoric work written by Celalzâde Sâlih Çelebi, who lived in the 16th century and stood out with his poet, münşi, and translator identities, will be discussed. This work, which was written based on the Telhîsü'l-Miftâh of Kazvînî's (d.739/1338) and the Hadâ'iku's-Sihr fî Dekâ'iki'ş-Şi'r of Reşidüddin Vatvât (d. 577/1177), has been organized in three parts and a hatime (conclusion), according to its only copy that has been identified for now, and named as Fenn-i Sâlis der-Sanâyi'i-i Şi'riyye. The main important aspect of this work, in which a total of thirty-three literary arts on meaning, wording and letterin (hatt) are defined, is that each art is exemplified by poems, all in Turkish, written in praise of the sultan of the time, Suleiman the Magnificent. This work, which is not the subject of a study before, will be examined in terms of content and method, and then it will be compared with the Turkish rhetoric works written until the end of the 16th century in terms of content, finally, its contribution to the Turkish rhetoric literature will be tried to be emphasized.
rhetoric, Jalalzâdah Sâlih Çelebi, Fenn-i Sâlis der-Sanâyi’i-i Şi’riyye, qasida-i masnû’a.