The Esma-i Hüsna Commentary of Seyyid İbrahim-i Enveri
Seyyid Ibrahim-i Enveri (d. after 1870) was a retired defterdar on the island of Crete who belonged to the Mawlavi order and esma-i husna commentator. Esma-i husna genre in classical Turkish literature has been written both in prose and in verse. Enveri, who constantly read esma-i husna and wanted to penetrate its meaning, wrote a commentary by using various works in order to better understand the esmâ-i hüsnâ for those who did not know Arabic very well like himself, those who chanted and the Sufi men who made seyr-i süluk. In this regard, Müstakimzâde Süleyman Sadeddin (d. 1202/1788) wrote a work centering on the esma-i husna commentary titled Tarhu'l-Ma'nâ fî Şerhi'l-Esmâ, and İbrahim Nureddin (d. 1286/1869-70)'s commentaries on Ferâ'idü'l-le'âlî fî Beyânî Esmâi'l-müte'âlî and Vahîd Paşa (d. 1828)'s Mirkât-ı Münâcât (Şerh-i Kasîde-i Dimyâtiyye). In the introduction section of the article, the importance of the esmâ-i hüsnâ genre is mentioned and certain works are mentioned and general information about the mentioned genre is given. In the review section, information about his life was given based on the work of Ibrahim Enveri, the sources he used were mentioned, and the commentary method of the commentator was tried to be revealed by subjecting the source works to comparison with the commentary. In addition, the life of Şeyh Ibrahim Nuredddin, about which there are some controversial points about his biography, was emphasized specifically and newly unearthed sources were used and additional information was given. In the last part, the work written by Enveri in the form of a table was translated by using the only known copy adhering to the formal characteristics of the author and the text was transliterated.
İbrahim-i Enverî, Ferâ’idü’l-le’âlî, Tarhu’l-ma’nâ, Kasîde-i Dimyâtiyye, Mirkât-ı Münâcât.