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An Essay on a Structural Approach to Lâzikî-zâde Feyzullah Nafiz's Ghazal
As one of the modern commentary methods, the structuralist method used in understanding and explaining classical Turkish literature texts and the examination of Lâzikî-zâde Feyzullah Nafiz’s with “olmış sana” redif ghazal constitute the subject of this study. . The aim of this study is to apply the method to a ghazal of Lâzikî-zâde Feyzullah Nâfiz, one of the18th century poets, and to reveal the harmony between the structure and meaning of the text in this context. In this context, first of all, the structuralist method will be explained in the light of the information obtained as a result of the literature review. The structuralist method, which has been applied in many fields after the field of linguistics, has also entered the field of literature and has begun to be applied to the texts of Classical Turkish Literature. Cem Dilçin, has pioneered many studies in which the method has been applied and has also inspired this study. . In the study, firstly, information about the structuralist method was given and then its reflection on the field of literature was mentioned. Then, a brief information is given about Feyzullah Nâfiz's Dîvân, which also includes the ghazal discussed in the study. Before the application of the method, the ghazal with the redif "olmış saña" which is the main subject of the study, the transcription of the ghazal with its Arabic letter text is given.. Based on the study on which we are based, and for the convenience of researchers, the classical commentary method was applied after the index and dictionary of the ghazal were given. After that the structuralist analysis method , which is the focus of the study, has been passed.. Although the external elements are discussed in the application of the method, the world of meaning is given in summary form in order to avoid repetition as it is explained in the classical commentary method.

Lâzikî-zâde Feyzullah Nâfiz, Ghazal, commentary, modern commentary, structuralist method.

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