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Shaykh al-Islam Yahya Efendi’s Ode and Interpretation with “Hame” Redif
In this study, Shaykh al-Islam Zekeriyyazade Yahya Efendi, who is one of the leading names of the 17th century and the whole divan literature, is primarily known for his poems in the field of ghazals and who is known as a successful statesman as well as his craftsmanship, is the subject of the “hame” (reed pen) redif eulogy. In the introduction part of the study, information about the life of Shaykh al-Islam Yahya Efendi and the general plan of the study is given. After the introduction, a discussion was held in order to obtain accurate information about the identity of the poet and the person presented in the eulogy with “hame” redif consisting of twenty-two couplets and located in the journal registered with the place number 857-M in the Reşid Efendi Section of the Süleymaniye Library and located in the journal registered with the number 4966 in the Nuruosmaniye Library, the first sixty leaves of which were published by Oguz İlhan. Following the information given about Calligrapher Hocazade (son of the mudarris) Mehmed Enverì, who is the person to whom the ode was presented, the eulogy with “hame” redif belonging to Shaykh al-Islam Yahya Efendi was reconstructed by comparing it with the publication of Oguz İlhan and the version of the magazine in the Süleymaniye Library through the publication of the critical text. The reconstructed text has been annotated. It is thought that Hocazade Mehmed Enverì, who is the person to whom the eulogy of the “hame” redif is presented, was chosen by Shaykh al-Islam Yahya Efendi because of his calligraphy profession. It has been determined that in the poem, which is shaped around the “hame” redif, materials such as ink, paper, inkwell, rìg (fine sand sprinkled over the writing to dry the ink), and maqta (plaquette for nibbing a reed pen) used in calligraphy, especially reed pen, are also included.

Journal, dîvân poetry, calligraphy, pen, Enverî.

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