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REFLECTIONS FROM BAYKARA ASSEMBLY – Scientific and Literary Assemblies, Entertainment Assemblies, Stories Told to Sultans, Wrestling and Wrestling Training and Competitions with Wrestlers -10
Written in Persian by Zeynüddin Mahmûd-ı Vâsıfî in the second quarter of the 16th century in Taşkend, Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi' draws attention especially with the extensive and important information it contains on Turkish culture and social life. In this study, three parts of this work, which is very important for Turkish cultural history, are translated. In the first part, some events related to Mîrek Za'feran, who is one of the prominent youths of Herat and attracts attention with his beauty, and Surhak-i Kerbâs-fürûş, one of his lovers, and Shah Muhammed Mîrek, who was preferred by some of Mîrek Za'feran's lovers, were mentioned. Second part; It contains a story in which the person to whom the edict sent by Sultan Muhammed-i Bahadır did not respect the edict, the person who took the edict presented the situation to the sultan, and then the Ghaznavid Sultan Mahmud expressed his understanding of justice. In the third part, the heated debate between Mevlânâzâde Molla Osman and Kadı Nizam (üddîn) and Şeyhülislâm, in which Pehlevân Muhammed Abû Sa'îd, one of the important scholars, musicians, poets and wrestlers of the Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara period, also participated, and Sultan Hüseyn-i The debate that took place in another assembly organized by the. In addition, the assemblies organized by Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara and his messenger Tayfur and the disguise of Pehlevan Muhammed as a messenger are mentioned. After that, in the wrestling match between Pehlevân Muhammed Ebû Sa'îd and Pehlevân Muhammed-i Mâlânî, the struggle between Pehlevân Muhammed-i Mâlânî and an Indian Mengelus elephant sent as a gift to Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara by the Sultan of Delhi was expressed.

Sultan Hüseyn-i Baykara, Pehlevân Muhammed Ebû Sa'îd, Dervîş Muhammed

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