One Pseudonym Two Poets: Notes on Yûsuf Emîrî and Emir Ömer Khan
Yûsuf Emîrî, one of the pre-classical period poets of Chagatai Literature, lived in the 15th century and played an important role in the development of Chagatai Literature with poets such as Yakînî, Sekkaki, Gedâyî, Lutfî. Emir Ömer Khan, who ascended the throne of Kokand Khanate in 1810, is among the last period poets of Chagatai Literature. Both poets used the pseudonym “Emîrî” in their poems, and this situation led to a confusion that lasted for many years. At the beginning of this confusion comes the attribution of the poems in Ömer Khan’s Dîvân to Yûsuf Emîrî, based on the pseudonym “Emirî”.
The confusion of Yûsuf Emîrî-Ömer Khan, which was determined to appear for the first time in Aleksandr Nikolaevich Samoylovic’s notification titled İz Tuyugov Çagataytsa Emîrî and in the work named Türk Edebiyatı Numûneleri, spread over time to other works and has continued until today. Ömer Khan’s Dîvân, as shown in many sources as belonging to Yûsuf Emîrî; it was also published twice under the name of Yûsuf Emîrî’s Dîvân. Although some sources have tried to prevent this confusion by mentioning various points, especially in the researches about Yusuf Emîrî, the subject has not been dealt with as an isolated whole. In this study, it is aimed to distinguish the two confused poets through the source texts and to evaluate the existing information.
Yûsuf Emîrî, Ömer Khan, Chagatai Literature, Kokand Khanate