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Inconsistencies in Naming the Types of Jinas an-Nakıs in Rhetoric Books
Jinas, one of the verbal arts called phonologically oriented schemes of al-Badi in rhetoric, is basically divided into two parts: Complete and incomplete jinas. Of these, the incomplete jinas is divided into types according to the differences that occur between the words that make up the jinas in terms of the type, the number, the vowel point and the order of the letters. The type pf incomplete jinas in which there is a difference in the number of letters due to lack or excess of these features is called jinas al-naqis. There are also variations of jinas al-naqis according to the location of the additional letters. However, there are some inconsistencies in the works on rhetoric regarding the naming of these types of jinas al-naqis. In this study, these inconsistencies in the works on rhetoric about the types of jinas al-naqis are discussed. These inconsistencies have been identified by analyzing the works of translation, commentary and original on rhetoric written until today, starting from al-Sakkaki's Miftah al-Ulum. In this context, this study consists of an introduction and three main chapters focusing on the inconsistencies in the subject. In the introduction, a description of the art of jinas al-naqis is given and information is given about the ways in which inconsistencies related to this art occur in works on rhetoric. The first heading focuses on the works in which the types of jinas al-naqis are not named with any literary term or partially named. In the second heading, works in which jinas al-naqis and its varieties are confused with other types of jinas are analyzed. The third heading focuses on the works in which the types of jinas al-naqis are named with different terms.

Jinas, jinas al-naqis, rhetoric, classical Turkish literature.

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