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Bedreddin Mahmûd’s Life, Works, His Fevz u Felâh Mathnawi
In Turkish literature, poets have used the form of masnavi on various subjects which require long narration. Bedreddin Mahmûd, a scholar who lived in the second half of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century, also wrote his work titled "Fevz ü Felâh" on religious-moral-Sufi truths and wisdom in the form of masnavi. According to sources, it is not clear where Bedreddin Mahmûd was born and died. There is information in the sources that the author is from Amasya. According to his works and sources, he lived in Manisa, Bursa and Istanbul. Bedreddin Mahmûd, whose father and grandfather were sheikhs, received a good madrasa education. Bedreddin Mahmûd took his education from the teacher of Sultan Bâyezid II and served as a “hunkar imam”, “mullah”, “qadi” and “kazasker”. In the sources it is indicate that two of his works, "Mahmûdiyye-Vesîle", which he wrote as in the same style to the famous Muhammadiyya, and "Fevz ü Felâh", in which he deal twith the subjects of morality and mysticism. In addition, there are also works called "Menâkıb", which is not mentioned in the sources, but which the author states that he written in his work called "Fevz ü Felâh", and "Kitabu'l-asâr", which he stated that he written in his work Mahmûdiyye-Vesîle. There are also Works called "Menâkıb", which is not mentioned in the sources, but which the author states that he written in his work called "Fevz ü Felâh", and "Kitabu'l-âsâr", which he states that he written in his work Mahmûdiyye-Vesîle. As a literary genre, Fevz ü Felâh belongs to the group of masnavis who aim to inform and educate the reader. In the work, there are explanations of verses and hadiths, stories and sayings of religious and Sufielders. The number of couplets of the work present to Sultan Bâyezid II is 10620. In this study, after giving information about the life and works of Bedreddin Mahmûd, his work Fevz ü Felâh will be examined in terms of form and content.

Molla Kadı Bedreddin Mahmûd, Fevz ü Felâh, Masnavi, II. Bayezid

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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