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Cemâlî’nin Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl’i
(Cemali's Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl )

Yazar : Adem Ceyhan  Sercan Koşik  
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2016
Sayı : 16
Sayfa : 33-76

Halk bilgeliğinin, gözlem ve tecrübelerinin mahsulü olan atasözlerindeki güzellik ve meziyetler, birçok edebî şahsiyetin dikkatini çekmiştir. Şair ve yazarlarımızın, manzum yahut mensur eserlerinde Türk atasözleri ve tabirlerini çeşitli oranlarda kullandıkları, edebiyat tarihimizin en eski eserlerinden beri görülen bir gerçektir. Hatta bazı

Anahtar Kelimeler
Atasözleri, manzum, Cemâlî, Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl, Güvâhî, Pend-nâme.

The beauty and virtue in proverbs which are the product of folk wisdom, observation and experience attracted the attention of many literary figures. Our poets and authors used Turkish proverbs and idioms in verse or prose by various proportions. It is a fact seen since the earliest works of our literary history. In fact, due to the fact that some poets excessively used proverbs and idioms, they were characterized by “mesel-guy” (saying parable) and their poems were defined by “mesel-amiz (covering parable)” in the dictionaries of biographies of poets. Additionally, poets and authors such as Güvahi, Muhammed bin Ahmed, Levni gave spiritual, moral, social and cultural advices to readers by proverbs and idioms. Sufi poet-author Cemali who lived in the second half of the 16th century wrote a verse advice booklet by classifying Turkish proverbs and folk expression according to subject. His work entitled “Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl” (Booklet of Proverbs) was written according to the Aruz rhytm “mefâîlün mefâîlün feûlün” and it consists of 380 couplets. It is understood that according to the result of comparison, Cemâlî excessively benefited from Güvahi’s Pendnâme and the poet got his many couplets with some changes. In this article, firstly it was given brief information about Cemâlî’s works; then Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl was introduced and the text

Proverbs, verse, Cemali, Risâle-i Durûb-ı Emsâl, Güvahi, Pend-nâme.

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