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A Poet Continuing the Tradition of Divan Literature in the 20th Century: Nevberî and Fuzûlî’s Effect in His Poems
Fuzûlî who was one of the Turks of Iraqi region where Azerbaijani Turkish was used in his place of birth and living, reflects the characteristics of this language in his poems, but his poetic language is not far from Ottoman Turkish. This made him loved both in the Azerbaijani and Anatolian areas. For this reason, Fuad Köprülü expresses that it is necessary for Fuzûlî to be considered as a joint personality of both Anatolian and Azerbaijani literature. Classical poetry which always follows the footsteps of tradition, makes it necessary to know and read poets who lived before him in order to become a master poet. Fuzûlî was also influenced by some poets, as each artist was influenced by those whom he regarded as a master before him. Sources say that Iranian poets Molla Cami, Attar, Nizami, Selmân-ı Saveci and Hafız had an influence on Fuzûlî based on the ideas. From the Anatolian area, Ahmedî, Şeyhî and Necâtî had an important influence on Fuzûlî. Fuzûlî who is considered as one of the top figures of divan literature, left profound effects on many poets who grew up after him with the ideas, emotions and concepts he used in his poems. This effect started with the period it lived in and continued until today. However, it is possible to see the influence of Fuzûlî in the poems of Nevberî, who continued the tradition of divan literature in the 20th century, when the influence of classical literature was almost broken and other searches were made in terms of form and content. In this study, the influence of Fuzûlî in the poems of Nevberî, one of the poets of the 20th century, will be examined.

Divan Literature, Tradition, Fuzûlî, Nevberî.

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