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Poetic Signs of Melâmî Understanding of Worship in Classic Turkish Poetry
Melâmîlik is a Sufi idea that has been active in Khorasan since the Hicri 4th (M. 9th) century and has influenced many coteries and sects. This idea developed as an understanding based on love and mystical admiration. In classical Turkish poetry, which deals with Sufism with a wide literary accumulation, the concept of worship is also handled besides many aspects of this idea. In the study, some literary aspects of this understanding have been examined in detail under seven titles. It is possible to categorize these based on this study as not showing off in worships, fighting the nafs mercilessly in the way of Allah, clinging to love as worship and the indispensability of the Melâmî road, ignoring cardigan, skin, and crown, not being a merchant of hope, refusing reward and foundation income from the public and the sultan. İt is necessary to add Melâmî moral principles to these literary discourses such as strict adherence to Islamic rules, commitment to the admission given to the “elest assembly” and having the morality of our Prophet. These added qualities are in worship provisions in Islam. In the poetic discourse of many classical poets who have positioned themselves as rint thataway, this understanding of worship/Melâmet, which is inaccessible with the flagrant piety of the Sufi, has been highly appreciated. In this article, the poetic signs of this idea, which is also included in the understanding of love for the true lover/Allah in the classical tradition, has been examined.

Sufi Poetry, Melâmet, Melâmism, Understanding of Worship, Melâmi Poets.

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