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The Bibliography of New Studies About Poetry Mecmuas and MESTAP
Poetry mecmuas that nourish classical Turkish literature in terms of text and content are remarkable works both in terms of presenting significant data for the history of literature and the functions of verifying and correcting existing sources. As such, studies on poetry mecmuas have increased considerably in recent years and have gained a new dimension in 2012 with the launch of the Systematic Classification Project of Mecmuas (MESTAP), which is an important project that has been accepted and voluntarily supported by almost all academicians. Nevertheless, these valuable works have some differences for reasons such as sometimes the author's personal saving, sometimes the special situation of the mecmua/mecmuas. These are some technical differences like whether the name MESTAP or the identity of the mecmua in called study is found in the title or keywords. In this study, a detailed bibliography of the studies on poetry mecmuas has been made and it has been tried to draw attention to these differences with some statistics and evaluations. In addition, it is aimed to contribute to this project and to facilitate the work of the researchers by stating whether the table proposed in MESTAP, which has been changing and developing since 2012, has been made in the study in question, or what differences it has in accordance with its final shape. Studies on poetry mecmuas are classified under four main titles as "Books", "Thesis", "Articles", " Proceedings and Book Chapters" and at the end of the study, some statistics and evaluations are included based on the data in the bibliography.

Classical Turkish literature, mecmua, poetry mecmua, bibliography, MESTAP.

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